When Should You Start Thinking about Estate Planning

Estate planning is an essential process that ensures that you take care of your family, and that your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes after your passing. Many people delay estate planning, believing it’s only necessary later in life. In addition, many fail to realize that updating your estate plan is critical through major life changes. There are several key moments and reasons why you should consider starting your estate plan sooner rather than later.

Young Adults Starting Their Careers

Starting a career is an ideal time to begin thinking about estate planning. Even if you don’t have substantial assets, setting up a basic estate plan can protect your interests.

  • Health Directives: Establishing a healthcare proxy and living will to ensure your medical wishes are honored.
  • Power of Attorney: Designating someone to make financial decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated.

Marriage or Domestic Partnership

Marriage or entering a domestic partnership is a significant life event that warrants beginning or  revisiting your estate plan.

  • Beneficiary Designations: Update your beneficiaries on insurance policies, retirement accounts, and other assets.
  • Joint Property: Consider how jointly owned property will be managed and transferred.

Starting a Family

The arrival of children is a critical time to ensure your estate plan reflects your new responsibilities.

  • Guardianship: Designate guardians for your minor children in case of your untimely death.
  • Trusts for Minors: Establish trusts to manage and distribute assets to your children at appropriate ages.

Purchasing a Home

Buying a home is a major financial commitment and a key reason to review and update your estate plan.

  • Asset Protection: Ensure your home is included in your estate plan to protect it for your heirs.
  • Debt Management: Plan for how outstanding mortgage debt will be handled.

Career Advancement and Increased Wealth

As your career progresses and your wealth increases, it’s essential to adjust your estate plan to reflect your new financial situation.

  • Tax Planning: Implement strategies to minimize estate taxes and maximize the inheritance for your beneficiaries.
  • Investment Management: Include investment accounts and other financial assets in your estate plan.


Approaching retirement is a perfect time to revisit and finalize your estate planning documents.

  • Retirement Accounts: Ensure your 401(k), IRA, and other retirement accounts are correctly addressed in your plan.
  • Income Planning: Establish how your income will be managed and distributed during retirement.

Health Concerns

If you face a significant health issue, it’s crucial to have an up-to-date estate plan.

  • Advance Directives: Clearly outline your medical treatment preferences.
  • Asset Distribution: Ensure your assets are allocated according to your current wishes.

Children turning 18, and/or Moving Away from Home

Once your children become legal adults, certain “automatic” rights terminate, at which point they should have some documents of their own to ensure you can still help them, if needed

  • Power of Attorney: In case of your child’s incapacity, you can still handle their financial needs.
  • Advance Directives: In a worst-case scenario, you can help ensure that you’ll still have access to your child’s medical records and the ability to speak with their doctors.

Qualifications of Goodman Estate Law

At Goodman Estate Law, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive estate planning services tailored to your unique needs. Our services include:

  • Experienced Legal Advice: Guidance on all aspects of estate planning to ensure your wishes are honored.
  • Customized Plans: Creating personalized estate plans that reflect your life changes and goals.
  • Continuous Support: Offering ongoing support to update and manage your estate plan as your life evolves.
Contact Us for a Free Consultation

Estate planning is a crucial step at various stages of life to protect your assets and ensure your wishes are fulfilled. Whether you are just starting your career, getting married, starting a family, buying a home, advancing in your career, nearing retirement, or facing health concerns, it’s never too early or late to start. Schedule Time On My Calendar to Learn More About Estate Planning. Let Goodman Estate Law provide you with the expertise and support to create a comprehensive estate plan that suits your needs.